Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to IUJ Blog

Dear All IUJers,

Welcome to the IUJ GSO Blog. This is a new initiative to facilitate information sharing among the IUJ community not just in our campus but also the diaspora of alumni around the World.

Please feel free to voice your opinions, comments, complaints and valuable feedbacks.

Arigato Gozaimasu !


  1. Nice job for a fine-looking website. Can you please add the IUJ open day video in the GSO-EC Videos tab? Thanks.

  2. Hi Ronaldo, We are working on it. Will upload it soon. TQ

  3. Good idea to have a blog for IUJ community.

    To better utilize the blog, I think GSO-EC should gradually reduce the number of emails sent. Instead of sending email to everybody, GSO-EC should just post to this blog. This is also to encourage students to check the blog regularly.

    If GSO-EC keeps sending emails, I am afraid the blog will not serve its intended purpose.

  4. Thank you for your valuable feedback.

    You are absolutely right about the email spamming. Since most of the students are not familiar with the blog yet we are afraid we might have people missing out on important information.

    However, after Ski-day we intend to reduce the emails and gradually move to blogosphere.

    Thanks again !

  5. I agree with the "Anonymous" guy. At least, in the transition period, the email sent by GSO should also be posted here. But, I don't see any updates in this blog.

    We should make this blog more active!
